How to recognize a good olive oil by a bad one?  Did you know that the first olive harvest started 6000 years ago in Syria? Also, did you know that olive oil is mentioned 140 times in the bible?

Or also that Hippocrates prescribed Olive Oil for curing ailments over 2500 years ago! Close your eyes and start to feel!!

Fun times during a blind olive oil tasting! The best way to discover an oil's flavor is to sip it “neat” – meaning on its own without bread or other food. This will allow you to savor the oil's flavor without distraction. 

The aro­mas of olive oil are a crit­i­cal part of its fla­vor. The best way to appre­ci­ate them is to pour a lit­tle bit of olive oil (a table­spoon or two) into a small glass! 

This and more at our oil and wine experiences !